Sandplay Therapy is a therapeutic approach for children and adults that uses sand and miniature figures to help individuals express and explore their thoughts and feelings.
We provide a sand tray, various miniature figures, and sometimes water. The client then uses these materials to create scenes and stories in the sand.
Our therapists are trained to help our clients reflect on, and interpret their creations which can help provide insight into both their thoughts and emotions.
Sand play therapy is most commonly used with children, however, it can be effectively applied to teens and adults as well. It is a gentle and non-threatening way for individuals of any age to express themselves and work through difficult emotions or deep-rooted trauma.
Since the sand tray and mini figures provide a symbolic representation of the child’s inner world, children are able to communicate their thoughts and emotions in a way they may not be capable of expressing verbally.
In addition, children can often feel vulnerable or “exposed” when discussing difficult topics with an adult. Playing in a sandbox is not only less intimidating - but way more fun and engaging!
Our therapists will provide guidance and support, but allow your child to lead the way and make their own decisions about what to create and how to interpret their creations. This helps children understand their own thoughts and feelings, develop emotional recognition, and facilitate healing and personal growth.
Yes, sandplay therapy is a non-verbal form of therapy, meaning that it does not rely on verbal communication between therapist and client. This make is useful when treating individuals who are unable or unwilling to communicate through words.
For clients with cognitive impairments, we can use visual aids such as pictures or other symbols to help the client understand the materials and therapeutic process.
There is no concrete answer to this as every individual's situation is unique and will require a different number of sessions. In general, sandplay therapy is conducted in a series of sessions, the number of which depends on the goals and needs of the individual.
It is important to discuss your specific needs with our trained therapists to determine the appropriate number of sessions for you.